Sunday 25 August 2013

Why travel?

Watching as the world passes you by. Each moment behind you, a great memory, an experience. Each moment in front of you, an opportunity, an exciting adventure. What more could you ask for, the world at your feet, the open road ahead, the chance to explore.

It's the kind of act that soothes the soul, makes you wiser, makes you braver, makes you appreciate life and all the great things it has to offer.

Each place providing you with something unique, something that amazes all five senses. Seeing an ancient landmark built thousands of years ago, generations behind us with many stories to be told. Hearing the sound of the rainforest in it's truest form, no civilisation around you, just mother earth's beauty. Feeling the grains of soft sand through your toes as you walk along a beach, oceans away from where you call home. Tasting the new and unique flavours of the local delicacies that envelop the cultural diversity of a city and smelling the distinct aromas around you, that ignite the memory of something familiar and triggers a feeling. 

It's a form of education. Without even realising it, you learn things about yourself, about life, about culture. No matter where you go you leave richer in knowledge and wisdom.The world is made up of so much more than meets the eye. When you travel, you see through your soul, and feel through your heart.

If we only get one chance at life, it is this moment, and what is life but a mere series of moments that turn into memories. Memories that we wish to be full of happiness and excitement, therefore we should ensure that our lives are full of happiness and excitement. Just the kind that travelling provides us with. 

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