Friday 16 August 2013

G Adventures Africa 2013

How would you describe your tour? 

19 adventurers, 1 rickety wooden truck named Pumba, 2 veteran South African barefoot tour guides and the dusty, corrugated East African road ahead to Nairobi.

You get used to the sounds of rattling windows and the constant bumping and bouncing. So much so that we nicknamed it the 'African massage'. Soon enough 19 strangers become friends over long, mundane drives across the African Countryside. Made interesting and enjoyable through the mixture of personalities, travel stories, 'Big 2', charades, eye spy, music, of course, and the common enthusiasm for what lies ahead. The early morning rises are phased out by the 'morning song', George Michael's 'Faith'. 

As everybody sings along and forgets about the time of day and the long drive to the next camp site, we all know that when we arrive we will be presented with unforgettable experiences and adventures of a lifetime. 

Mighty V and Big E, also known as Vernon and Ettienne, lead the group. Each bringing necessary qualities to the journey. Mighty V, with his encyclopaedia of knowledge and outstanding cooking skills, and Big E with his vigilant driving skills and eagerness for a good time. The shared participation camping roster brings us closer together as we sit around the camp fire sharing stories and reminiscing about the day gone by over one of the delicious mixture of dinners provided. Each night different to the previous. Some authentic, like spit roast goat and others familiar, like Mighty V's famous Lasagne or Pumpkin Soup.

7000 km's of travel, across 4 different countries and various landscapes. The scenery changes from dry desert, to lakeside beaches, luscious tea plantations to mountainous ranges and great valleys. The locals stare curiously as a truck full of foreigners cruises by, mostly engulfed in song and dance or otherwise sprawled out on any part of Pumba for a 'cheeky halfa'. 

As the trip goes on the roads get bumpier, friends become family, we finally get the lyrics to George Michael's 'Faith' and gain a few other contestants for the morning song including a bit of BSB and Shakira.
The tone continues to get lowered, if not already too low to begin with. Showers get colder, and inevitably we all become a bit more dirtier and a bit more barefoot. 

We take in a piece of each place we visit. A souvenir, an unexpected encounter with nature, a spectacular photograph. At the same time we leave some things behind. A soccer ball that at least provided a few days of entertainment. A go pro who's life was short lived and not to mention a little bit of dignity after a few Konyagi's down at the bar. 

One thing for certain, we concurred overland Africa. Whether from Vic Falls to Nairobi, or the full throttle Cape Town to Uganda, the tour endured many good times, copious amounts of smiles and laughter, and memories that will be sure to last a lifetime.

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