Tuesday 5 November 2013


Giving up for a cause

I figured considering this August I was gallivanting around the world somewhere, camera around my wrist, exploring some intriguing foreign place and not participating in this years 40 hour famine, I decided to participate in another form of giving and raise some much needed funds for those less fortunate than myself.

I began searching for other causes in November and they surely weren’t scarce.

Now I don’t exactly have a moustache, therefore Movember was out of the question. OctSober had already passed, and let’s just say with the amount of social events, gatherings, weddings, farewells, you name it; the avoidance of alcohol was with great difficulty. I soon realised that almost every day of every month of the year has a cause or an awareness designated to it. November alone is Lung Awareness Month, World Pneumonia Day falls in November, as well as World Diabetes Day, World Prematurity Day, even World Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Day. So as you can see I wasn’t short of a cause.

I then remembered a recent post on the New Hope For Children Orphanage page. It was describing how there were still 40 children in the orphanage waiting for sponsors and I figured that with Christmas fast approaching perhaps I could use this time to raise some money to give these little ones a Christmas full of smiles. The New Hope Orphanages are located in and around Bangalore, India and are home to over 130 abandoned children who have been taken in under the care of a compassionate family. I came across this cause one day a few years back when I was siting in my lounge room browsing through the wonderful world of social media. I was moved by the actions of this family and decided to join the other sponsors from all over the world in assisting them with caring for the children.

So for November I am dedicating my fundraising to the children of India.

As fundraising comes in many forms, I have chosen the form of relinquishment. I have decided that for the month of November I am going to give up something that is very dear to me. Something that is a part of my day-to-day life from dusk until dawn. Something that is there for me no matter the situation, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. It makes me happy, surrounds me with joy and satisfaction, and above all tastes delicious.

The most scrumptious exquisite delicacy known to mankind… Chocolate.

For those of you who know me well, this is going to be quite a difficult task. From the girl who banned herself from buying share packs because the word share was not considered, keep following me this month to see how my efforts turn out and perhaps place bets on whether or not I will make it to the end.

All funds going to a good cause :) 

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